Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Global Change

After the USSR broke into pieces and became Russia and independent states, the structure of the Central Asian region changed from bipolar into one with many, smaller states, and some of them wanting a predominant power over others; at least over their neighbor lands like with Pakistan, or Arabic lands, or Iran, who all want to dominate e.g. Afghanistan and Lebanon, sending their agents and terrorist groups to kill people (most evident examples are Afghanistan and Iraq), in order to create instability and put the government under pressure, until it accepts their demands. In Afghanistan, this state of affairs is exemplified by Karzai, who will stand against the US, if Pakistan was attacked by the United States: “If America, India, or anyone else attacked Pakistan, we will stand by Pakistan“, said Karzai in an interview aired by Pakistan private television channel Geo (23. Oct. 2011) “Afghanistan is a brother of Pakistan, we will never betray Pakistan,” he added! [44].

The natural question is how these inexperienced governments are able successfully to pursue their politics when the USSR was not? Basically their power is based upon simple and uneducated peoples whom they misuse against neighbor lands with terror, agents (politics, business, etc.), drug trafficing, combat equipment, slavery (especially children and women), hostages, and many other types of means of asymmetric warfare, which all contribute to instability to be used to their advantage.

This way, the powerful country breaks the defence system of the neighboring, weaker country and moves over the borders of the defenseless neighbor like in plate tectonics, where the old plate goes under and the new, lighter plate comes up, pressing the old plate downwards so that it eventually disappears. And the lighter, appearing plate is the new power on the surface for all to see, and therefore the other countries of the World will allow it to contribute in the decision making processes related to the future global policy, while the aim of each is different. If these kinds of policies proceed unopposed, what could happen globally, and what policies are called for to secure World peace?

The freedom and democracy that many countries like America and Europe often consider to be universal, have a quite deferent meaning in the opinion of some of the newly appeared, powerful Asian governments! This is the principal danger, and it will effect the global system like a powerful earthquake! Today, the trends in World economics, production and marketing is not like the free trade system of the industrial revolution, but towards nationalism, culture preferences and religious proselyting, which is used by most of the newly appearing, powerful governments to extinct other nationals, cultures, and religions, like with Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Pakistan: Saudi Arabia helps fundamentalism, Iran exports their Islamic revolution, and Pakistan sends terrorists to kill people, to create bloodbaths on local peoples with different religions, to create instability and demolish historical treasures like the Buddah statues in the Bamyan province of Central Afghanistan.

So how can we mix the Eastern and Western ideas about freedom and democracy into a global one?

Based upon the global economic combinations and activities, where each tries to obtain their profits and prove their identity by imposing it upon other nations, it is clear, that one day we might see a clash directly between Eastern powers and powers like the US and Europe.

So what is the future of democracy in the South of Asia, especially when the aim of each country is very much different from the others? It would be a mistake to copy the Western democracy model to an area like Asia, which is very different, because the Asian countries do not accept the same meaning as the West do about freedom. For example, the Western idea is that in elections the majority votes is the winner, because this principle is the best for society, but the same principle for a country like Afghanistan is unfavorable, because the majority of voters in Afghanistan is illiterate (more than 70%), you can misuse them very easily. This is the main problem that powerful neighbor countries misuse illiterates and ignorant people as terrorists or other types of agents. In conclusion, it is impossible to import or export a democracy like a package from one country to the other. It is the people of the particular country which must decide which type of government would best fit with their culture and other systems of that country.

If there is a problem about understanding democracy and freedom, it is mostly one between the people and their government. An example: The people in the most of the Middle East are not allowed liberty, freedom, to get education, and to travel, especially women and minorities with different ethnics, language, or religion.  Now the people of Middle-East are overthrowing their dictatorship regimes one after one, but the question is now about the future of the Middle-East and type of the new governments. What is in this situation the guarantee for security and peace in the Middle East, so very important for the Europe and US, because the major part of global energy is located there?



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