Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Geology has throughout history been fundamental to the development of the economy, politics, and culture of a country. If a country is to be independent and self-sufficient, the resources of the Earth, including water, fuels, metals, and industrial minerals are the important items, and the essential question is when and why these resources are to be extracted and utilized in order to form a realistic policy in the development of a country (like Afghanistan after 2014).

Every historical period was characterized by its strategic minerals. First stone, then bronze (copper/tin), later iron, and presently coal, oil, and gas. In the future we will see amongst others uranium and lithium (for batteries) emerge as strategic minerals.

Afghanistan is rich in many of the economic minerals that are important today, but will become even more so in the future. From an economic perspective, natural resources are defined as materials that occur in nature and can be used to create wealth [46]. Afghanistan has a lot of energy resources and possibilities like oil, gas, coal, hydropower, bioconversion, nuclear power, wind power, and solar power. But most of the country and its people have no access to basic electricity, they use light like cave-dwellers - some villages do not even know what electric light is!

This is a glaring contradiction, screaming to be solved. But the present regime of Afghanistan evidently cannot use the resources in the right way, and therefore societal, economic and political problems still persist.

Turning to the subject of global security, Afghanistan is today exporting opium, terrorism, refugees, and other ills to the world, helped by strong neighbors, who have no interest in a stronger Afghanistan. On the one hand, the present situation of Afghanistan can be seen as one of the results of the pending global crisis with a competition for strategic economic minerals. On the other hand, the situation in Afghanistan, Iraq and other areas is also fuelling the very same crisis, with weapon traffickers, narcotics smugglers, and terrorists etc. achieving profits on the expense of the majority, and with growth for all sides depending upon the political situation of corrupt systems. While these countries have both potential and the richest economical geo-resources, when administered by governments that know nothing about the multirole of these resources, further burdens will be added to the crisis. It is a great problem and also dangerous for everybody around the World!

So, the international community has a need for a stronger Afghanistan. We must not repeat the mistake made by the international community committed after the Soviet withdrawal after 1989, when the stage was left to the Taliban. 
It was the task and responsibility of both the new and the previous Afghan government to use the resources mentioned above to narrow the great gap, and first of all to create public education as a forerunner for economic growth.  Instead, education is focused on literacy only, not on what is actually being read, and the mineral resources, being the backbone of economic development, are sold to other nations by the minister of Mines in Afghanistan, while Afghanistan needs everything. The current article IX of the Afghan Constitution is very cruel and ignorant in that it gives an open hand to every type of government to sell, or give away, or whatever they would decide, without sufficient control of the Afghan people. But you do not get a stronger Afghanistan by giving away people's future in the form of mining rights and by basing education on outdated materials and principles.

This means that the country has no policy, no economy, nor culture, and if the government of this country sells the mineral resources of the country, it will never be independent, but always hang on others. Therefore this country is permanently the poorest one on the World. A country that does not have its own production, must base its culture on other countries' culture.

Today everything is connected with everything else, like in a chain - if you take one part out, you destroy it all. If you have a good economy, you are able to develop culture and to define a good policy, but your economy is depending upon mineral reserves and mineral resources. If you have no raw materials or products, you will need to import commodities from other nations, to act like an invisible culture to be imported with their product materials, it means that you are like an empty pot, filled by others, and you do not have anything to be named your self-culture. At present, Afghanistan and the Afghan people are like free instruments for all to misuse, kill, destroy their life, and plundering their houses and their natural resources, and now this has been locked into an international tradition! And nobody has a workable solution.

People must instead be trained in their home countries geological resources and how to use them in building the national economy. If this happened, I am sure that terrorism, promoted by neighbors like Iran and Pakistan, would not be prevailing like today!  
Afghanistan has experienced many types of conflicts, internal and external, and sometimes the internal conflicts become significant and sometimes the external conflicts become the most important and determinative. But Afghan mining projects that are established for the benefit of the Afghan people would be able to unite the people across the linguistic, religious, ethnic conflicts, dividing them today.

Securing peace in the region in the longer term, it is necessary to have a long-term economic planning, based on the geological resources, which can integrate into a single nation, across the current conflicts.

Afghan governments have a responsibility to explore the economic minerals of the country, and the development of mineral deposits is dependent upon the geological, geochemical, geophysical conditions and environments, and of course the decisions on the political and economic factors are very important.

I suggest that all countries around the World assist the Afghan people, giving to them a chance to develop into an independent country, not dictated by minorities or selfish wishes. The assistance could include research around the country by geological methods, and after completing data, the necessary first steps to prioritize and create a political plan for developing the resources.

It is time to liberate the people from rotten political systems that are not consistent with human lives and nature. These systems are in themselves the main problem.

To march forward and not backwards, political man must also be a geologist and vice versa!

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